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    Circular column
    Rectangular Column
    Climbing Bracket
    Soldier System
CSFF Systems

Modern constructions incorporate unlimited techniques to construct various structural elements. This system designed to cover wide ranges of construction and to withstand the high pressure exerted while pouring concrete members. The soldiers which is produced in many lengths, can be assembled in combination to suit any heights of pouring. Clear unobstructed webs provide for easy fixing of tie systems, which means infinite flexibility in design. On the other hand, the holes in the web provide additional options for fixing and also for accessories. The comprehensive range of accessories enable the system to assemble rigid structures used for both temporary and permanent works. The system can be used for extensive applications, e.g. single or double soldiers shuttering system, inclined support, vertical shoring, horizontal support, supporting beam, and as space frame.

Formwork System    

CSFF heavy duty soldiers manufactured with 3-mm thick British steel sheets. They are used widely for walls, columns, and curved with circular structures. They are designed to provide economic and safe single or double side shutters for vertical concrete elements such as shear walls, partitions, shafts, staircases, swimming pools, silos, earth and elevated water tanks, chimneys, retaining walls and all special designs for rectangular and cylindrical structures can be easily constructed with this system.

The system performance complies with the architects and structural engineering requirements keep the cost of construction within rational extent. On the other hand, high quality steel sheets used to construct soldiers reduce the number of ties, thereby saving costs and improving visual appearances of the finished concrete.

Timber or aluminum studs can be used but generally timber studs result in the use of soldiers at closer spacing due to the reduced strength of these elements comparing with aluminium studs. The various range of lengths available add unlimited horizons to the system to overcome all formwork problems. Assembly and erection time are minimized by the use of fast fixing clamps (universal and timber waling clamps for aluminium and timber studs respectively) to connect studs with soldiers. The plywood from the face is simply nailed or screwed to the timber studs or the lumber piece inserted in the groove presented in the aluminum studs.

Tie rods have been specifically designed to match the load capacity of the soldier. The tie rod is 17 mm in diameter and uses a self cleaning coil thread to reduce the maintenance cost. The full of 60 kN permissible load can be carried at any position along the soldier, and does not decrease with higher bending moment.

Access brackets can be fitted to the soldiers at any heights to form a conventional platforms for the pouring of concrete. On higher forms platforms on another level can be provided to enable the fixing and removal of ties in complete safety. To support the forms during erection and between uses, stabilizers can be fitted. These have a wide base for safety and are easily adjustable for angle. For higher pours or when extra safety is required, inclined struts can be used as push-pull props.

Timber Waling Clamp
with 150x75 mm Timber
  Universal Clamp
with 150x75 mm
Aluminium Beam
Timber Waling Clamp
with 150x75 mm Timber
  Universal Clamp
with 150x75 mm
Aluminium Beam
Soldier System - Features and Benefits
Wide range of sizes (any size can be accom- modated)
Extensive Accessories
Full design flexibility
Less labor work (manpower and time)
Quick forms removal and placement
Excellent face surface of concrete
Higher pressure can be accommodated fits
Double Sided Wall Shutter   Single Sided Wall Shutter
Inclined Shoring

When the work requires to pour large walls or column concrete elements, large pre-cast structural units or walls of existing building during refurbishment, heavy- duty inclined soldier systems may be required to support the forms in order to maintain strength and stability.

The high resistance provided by this system ensures that the number of units required will be kept at the minimum level. Therefore considerable savings are obtained in the cost of material and the cost of providing suitable ground for anchors.

The supplementary accessories enable system elements to be braced together creating a rigid structure capable to resist up to 80 kN (S.W.L). Adjusting facilities are another advantage which enables the system to accommodate the change in geometry. The adjustment can be achieved easily by rotating the soldier body.

Vertical Shoring
Soldiers can be used as heavy duty vertical shores. In this application the system can achieve up to 100 kN depending on the un-braced length portion of the soldiers. Conventional scaffolding tubes can be used to brace the soldiersÕ structure for extra stability. The system provides safety and simplicity in erection and service stages. By adding the adjustable shoring adapter at top and bottom with the heavy duty forkhead at top, efficient shoring system can be formed to support very heavy loads. Many other uses can be covered by this system such as a back-propping for heavy loads in site location, support of pre-cast units, temporary support during steelwork erection operations and many more applications.
Horizontal Shoring
In this application the system used to provide safe and heavy duty struts for excavation works or to support existing building during reconstruction. Special plates are erected at ends to ensure maximum safety in use. The socket fits over the end of shoring adapters and the angle ledge ensures that the shore is supported safely on the waling timber or steel.
Space Frame Applications
With the aid of 6-way connections and some other fixed and swivel connectors, the soldier can be assembled as a space frame to cover wide range of construction applications. The soldiersÕ structure may be considered as a substitute for the traditional structural steelwork in the case of medium duty construction. The system provides versatility and reduces the cost of construction compared to that of structural steel elements.
6-Way Soldier Connector   Corner Pivot
Pivot Cleat   Push-Pull Corner Angle
Aluminum Beam
150x75 mm
Timber Waling Clamp
Tie Rod Arrangement
Universal Clamp
Inclined Shoring
Vertical Shoring
Double Sided Wall Shutter
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